Saturday, November 21, 2009


I knew most of u guys were photo fanatics, so here I'm sharing some things I found on the web.its a feudal - japan photos, but what makes it special is the stereograms. click here for more

currently reading daywatch and listening to the cure n regina spektor. good earphonium


bakrihafizhisham said...

aku pernah tengok yang ni,a week before koe tunjuk kat aku.
aku pun ade rase nak buat.
insyaAllah lah nanti

thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...


ak ingt nk share kt architech ny fb; tp agaknye UTM da naik-taraf gred penapisan kot. fb, fs, msn, x jln; n some of websites cm da kene block je

enjoy ur hols bak