Saturday, February 14, 2009


our 1st bazaarevo in 2009; themed of free gaza.

p/s; more pics at my fb. aint turning my flickr account into pro until i got a steady flow of income haha


bukan orang pinkish said...

yeay! gmbr aku!

bakrihafizhisham said...

kak sab is roaming around,
looking for picts of her

nice attempt on the new camera mate!
nanti *mungkin* aku boleh la tunjuk bagaimana nak cantikkan sket the pictures, kalau kau nak

Unknown said...

haha.bole je.learning curve is infinite.
ko post ah satu blog tutoring photography.aku rasa insyaALLAH dpt byk smbutan

safslittlehelper said...

lawa-lawa shots. way to go bro! hehe..