Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I am guilty. partly.

today's my juniors from urban have their assessment. and seeing their works, I cant believe they're my juniors. its so far off from what ive done in my second year

I didnt blame them. I blame myself. I blame the upper year community as a whole. bloody bastards who're selfish that didnt have the weeny second to have a peek at what their juniors were doing.

shouldnt d juniors asks for help first?

True. but ought we experienced what they're beforehand, thus, why not a lil concern and empathy?

I spent sometime with ezi and bah mostly, but still it wasnt enough. the technicals, the presentation style, etc. I only got to chip in some simple stuff of technical drawings, CAD skills, presentation scheme, all those while im having a break of 20min plus from my own bloody work.

but imagine, if say 5 seniors take a turn of 20 min to guide them thru, wouldnt it be meaningful?

being a senior doesnt mean u hold the privilege of noble power; its a responsbility of ethic and moral. what footsteps or example do you left your juniors to?

or at the end of the day we were all some selfish-bloody-scrumage-blokes?

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