Saturday, November 21, 2009


introducing bikin: I believe its a brainchild of adifitri (click here).
stands for Biro Komunikasi Integratif (or was it integrasi?),
basically its more or less the publishing team for architecture school of UTM.

currently the documentation of students artworks is carried out by, well, i supposed, i'm clueless. the only published item we're working on is the thesis portfolio, which is under a few thesis student.

perhaps BIKIN would offer a better perspective to document, publish and kept the students artworks and projects.

P/s: no. BIKIN is not formalised yet. but I stumbled upon the 'eureka-god' to design the logo while muffing around in my room.

and I ask myself why I still didnt have a gf. dem im a dork-chippa.

x romantik ke layan regina spektor?

oh!. archi-peeps, take a look at this; click (here) and (here)


I knew most of u guys were photo fanatics, so here I'm sharing some things I found on the web.its a feudal - japan photos, but what makes it special is the stereograms. click here for more

currently reading daywatch and listening to the cure n regina spektor. good earphonium

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


pics while I'm alone going vagabond in FAB. cheers

p/s: click on d pics for better view

p/s: I'm using compact, not SLR. I'm an amateur folly of his surroundings,
not some professional wannabe. constructive comments is welcome;

but tak perlu pertikaikan kenapa aku guna compact.
each to its own, bersyukur dgn apa yg ada.
and I'm contempt
cheers n godbless

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

sorry samy

been AWOL for some time, ait?

thesis. enuff said.

below are some un-finalised raw boards for my thesis. working on schemie btw.


p/s: nmpk sgt I lack my 4th board. saturated mood >.<