Monday, January 5, 2009

Passing of me

I am worried. in dark thoughts.

I couldn't understand at all why people, young uns especially, are more reluctantly to shoulder a lil bit more responsible.
it shudders me to think, that in the near future, everyone will be so individualistic and selfish that they didnt even care for the greater good.
tolak tarik siapa yang harus memegang amanah.


nowadays nk suruh jadi imam pun payah, apatah volunteer sendiri.
semua pakat taknak menyusahkan diri, memikirkan kepentingan diri, hidup dalam puak sendiri.
and inevitably...semua nk jadi commentator/pengkritik bertauliah, CNN, tapi minta berdiri atas pentas 2 minit pun payah.

it really struck me hard.
ko ada visi, ada bakat, tapi kau malas memimpin; ko rasa ia leceh. u'll afraid it'll affect your pointer. eat some of your time. affect u lovelet.

itu semua alasan.


kalau semua dok menuding jari, umpama anjing mengejar ekornya sendiri.


klik sini


bakrihafizhisham said...

aku tahu perasaan kau,
tapi adakah kau rasa aku layak?
kau jujur sikit dengan aku?
aku rasa pencalonan ni pun disebabkan oleh aku gaul dengan budak sesetengah orang yang membuatkan aku nmpak penting,bukan?

kata kau?

Unknown said...

adakah kau rasa post ini merujuk pada kau in d 1st place?

dan jujur, bakri hafiz hisham; kau memang layak.

menilai seseorang, kita perlu lihat pada kawan2 mereka.
n mmg ptut kita choose people who stands out, instead of berkira orang yang kita "rasa" layak tapi x keep in touch with others.

kalau asyik berdebat pasal perkiraan persepsi, ada 1001 mcm.
perception is nothing; act & will is what matters.

bakrihafizhisham said...

aku rasa,
sebab aku terasa.

apa sebab kau kata aku layak?

but according to en azmi,
perception is everything.
the world be always be this same old shitty+crappy+boring place,
but it's how you preceive it that matters.

how you perceive it makes you different from the others whom see it as a boring+shitty+crappy world.

emmang ada 1001 macam, but there is one perception that really matters--your very own.

Unknown said...

i'm sure the intention of en azmi's is to see this world from the bright side point of view.

and i believe u can see the bright side of yourself in regards to your nomination too. =)

apa kata mcm ini bak?

pick 10 ppl.
ask them 2 wrote in a piece of paper "10 things about bakri hafiz hisham".

then go thru them and u judge yourself.

alas; the power is with the people.

"dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu, sedangkan ia memudaratkan kamu. dan boleh jadi juga kamu membenci sesuatu, sedangkan ia memberi kebaikan kepada kamu. dan hanya ALLAH yang MAHA MENGETAHUI"

Unknown said...

p/s; unfortunately, post ditujukan kepada individu yang lain.

tapi nampak gayanya individu itu bukan lah seorang penonton blog =)