uff. sebenarny agak kibut; ive got my topical studies to catch up on. still~
so im compressing two events into one, a charity dinner of "Dari kamu untuk Gaza" and our fraternity's trip to Batu Layar. cheers!
uff. sebenarny agak kibut; ive got my topical studies to catch up on. still~
so im compressing two events into one, a charity dinner of "Dari kamu untuk Gaza" and our fraternity's trip to Batu Layar. cheers!
owh. on the left is single.b but she's only in 4 junxu's (or was it junsu?)
p/s; special thanks to jijoi n zila for the trip~ kira papa n mama angkt desaru trip nie =)
n pics di atas x diedit, got no watermarks, etc coz im so busy + malas; bt plz respect my intellectual props. thanx!
n a here's lil bit of vids XD
best kan!!ngeee~ byknye gmbr aku..hehe..
woi the picts are good weyh!
i mean it.
ada banyak progress!
best.wlupn mukaku merah lengas kene sunburn hehe suke la tue gmbr sab byk hehe
thanx bak. rezeki hari tue kot.alhamdulillah~ syukran jazilan (^^)
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